Auto invoice program running but no invoice

I am running the auto invoice programing and its getting completed w/o any error but no invoice is getting generated.

what could be the reason

OM line flow status -- interface to recievables

Hi all

Order Status --Closed
Line Status -- Interface to Receivables

But the order is invoice , so any could you please let me know wht is the reason

Hello ,I am looking...

Hello ,

I am looking for a solution for analysis on Customer
If a company would like to know what business has been done for a particular customer based on Ship to Locations, an we have some analysis avaialble based on Customer Ship-to locations wise details
a. for a operation unit
b. for a legal enetity bearing 3 different operation units
c. for entire business group bearing 4 Legal Entities, and each LE bearing atleast 3 Operating uNits.

Please help me understand this.


While creating an invoice...

While creating an invoice i am getting the below error message

An error was raised in the security function IS_TRX_LINE_FROZEN.
Please contact your tax manager

what could be the reason

Account derivation rule is...

Account derivation rule is shwoing only 2 options (source and ADR) in value type

Can any one help on this
I am looking for the constant value

Need to create and...

Need to create and maintain Alphanumeric series for sequencial numbering of customers.
Request you to kindly help me how to do this.


Autoinvoice is getting errored...

Autoinvoice is getting errored out with below message

ZX_API_PUB.import_document_with_tax returns failure
An unexpected error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator.

I serached in meta link but colud not find anything...
any ideas guys what could be causing this issue

In AR transaction form (...

  1. In AR transaction form (R12) LE name is visible where as in invoice in payables both LE and OU names are visible. Does it mean that in R12 Ar is created as LE level and in payables invoices are created at both OU and LE level.
  2. In R12 one LE can assign to multiplem BSVs. Appreciate if some one can clarify this with any business scenario.

Hi, Aging report...

Aging report and Debtor Trial Balance report is matching amounts, but Debtor Trial Balance and GL Trial Balance is not matching.
AR Reconciliation report is showing "Zero amount".
Kindly any one help me out.

Why wasn't my batch...

Why wasn't my batch receipt get posted into the GL? I have no problem when I post individual receipt and not grouping them in batches.

Auto invoice is rejecting...

Auto invoice is rejecting lines with below error message

Errors:   1) All enabled segments of Transaction Flexfield must have a value

Tha auto accounting is defined.

Any help

Auto invoice import program&...

Auto invoice import program is getting erred out with below error message 

Errors:   1) Invalid bill to customer reference (ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_REF) ((Null))
            2) The Bill To address reference must exist in Oracle Receivables, and it must be assigned to the Bill To customer
               (ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_ADDRESS_REF) ((Null))

We are using a custom program to pouplate the ra_interface_lines table and we never used to populate ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_REF value. the program was working fine. but now its giving this error

Any one has faced this issue before

Delete AR Invoice

Can I delete an invoice in AR after its status is completed

Error in Account Receivable Debit note

We are trying to book debit note, but on clicking distribution, the following error occured ORA-20100: Error: FND_FILE failure. Unable to create file, l1433573.tmp in the directory, /usr/tmp. You will find more information in the request log. ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_FILE", line 554 ORA-06512: at "APPS.JAI_AR_RCTLA_ARIUD_T1", line 667 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'APPS.JAI_AR_RCTLA_ARIUD_T1' ORA-06512: at "APPS.ARP_INSERT_LINE_COVER", line 767 -------------------------------------------------------------- FRM-40735: ON-INSERT trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-20100.

What are the setup steps for Account Receivables

Plz anyone help me for AR Setup Steps

Deffered COGS accoun

What kind of account is deffered COGS - Asset / Sales

batch upload unbilled AR

Any implemented best practices for batch upload of unbilled receivables (200,000+ line items)?

Updating Reference Field on Transaction Workbench Header Info In AR

Hi All, I am not able to update Reference Field on Transaction Window Header Info In AR.I have completed the transaction and it has also been transferred to GL.Now I wish to update the reference field,the system is allowing me to enter and save but the record is not actually getting saved.Please help Regards, Sagar

Factoring in Chile

Hi, somebody it has documentation to implement factoring in Chile ?

TAX account

what should be an AR tax code's natrual account - asset / liability


Can we create a single deposit for two differnt items ??

Oracle General Ledger

I need to find out the AR invoice number of the journal in GL? What should be the join condition tl link this.

Oracle General Ledger

I need to find out the AR invoice number of the journal in GL? What should be the join condition tl link this.

Copy document number

Copy document number to trabsaction number checkbox is enabled in source. I am expecting the system to show the same number in both the document number & invoice number field but its showing differnt numbers. what could be the reason Thanks, Alex

want to inactivate a...

want to inactivate a customer in AR

inactivate a customer in AR

I want to inactivate a customer in AR

AR Invoice and Receipt Query Needed

1. Find the number Credit Memos that applied against invoices that are partially paid. 2. Find the number of Receipts that meet any of the following 3 conditions · Unapplied · Partially Applied · Completely applied for an invoice that has been partially paid.

Activities Chargeback

Dear Friends, Does anyone have the manual configuration of the operation to function Chargeback? EMAIL - Thank You

R12 Reconcile Customer Balance

Hi We are reconciling customer balance for Jan - Jun period where it is matching for 4 months and difference in may and June, Please let me know how to trouble shoot the issue thank you Venkat

Customer interface error

I am getting below errors in customer migration S1 –> The customer reference specified is invalid a7 –> Duplicate record within the interface table Any one has faced this before

Auto invoice error

Please define all periods in which revenue is to be recognized or credited. Any help...All the periods are open but still getting this message

AR closing - Urgent

getting below error message while trying to close the AR period you must post all transactions in this period before you close it There is no error is posting manager.

Proforma Invoice in AR

What is the normal practice in creating proforma invoice in oracle. The business wants to print proforma invoice before shipping the goods to the customer. The customer needs to make advance payment against the proforma invoice.

create an operating unit

How to create a new operating unit in Oracle Receivable module

Auto invoice issue

I am getting the below error message in auto invoice Please correct the receivable account assignment (XXX-00000--000-000-0000-000 I know the issue is occurring because of duplicate interface_line_id records in ra_interface_distributions_all table. ). I can fix this issue by deleting one line from backend but system is not showing this line in interface line form. Can some1 tell me why I cant access this record from front end


Kindly let me know step by step Accounting entries for both AP & AR cycle.

EM17 Error

Hi, I am working on R12.1.1 and I am getting the EM17 error while transferring journal entries to GL from AR. Can anyone suggest a solution please?