Merge Mass Additions
You can merge separate mass addition lines into a single mass addition line with a single cost. The mass addition line becomes a single asset when you Post Mass Additions to Oracle Assets.
For example, merge tax lines into the main invoice line distribution to maintain proper asset descriptions; merge a discount line with its appropriate mass addition line; or combine individual mass additions from different invoices into a single line and amount.
You can only merge mass additions in the NEW, ON HOLD, or user-defined hold queues. Choose whether to sum the number of units. As an audit trail after the merge, the original cost of the invoice line distribution remains on the line. The cost of the parent line will not be altered as a result of the merge and will remain the same. You can view the merged lines and the total merged cost in the Merge submenu. When you post the merged line, the asset cost is the total merged cost.
If you undo a merge, the mass addition lines appear as they did before the merge.
Important: You cannot merge split mass addition lines. For example, if you split a mass addition line with 5 units into five separate mass additions, you cannot merge two of the new lines together. You can, however, post one of the lines to create a new asset, and then add the second mass addition line to the existing asset as a cost adjustment.
ExampleFor example, you are asked to merge the mass additions line for invoice #220 into the line for invoice #100. Prior to the merge, both have a queue name of NEW. Details for the two lines are as follows:
Invoice #100, Line 1, $5000, 2 units, Queue = NEW, Description = Personal Computer
Invoice #220, Line 2, $67, 1 unit, Queue = NEW, Description = Tax on PC
After the merge, the line for invoice #100 has a queue name of ON HOLD and can become an asset. The line for invoice #220 has a queue name of MERGED and cannot become an asset. Details for the two lines are as follows:
• Invoice #100, Line 1, $5000, 2 units, Queue = ON HOLD, Description = Personal Computer
• Invoice #220, Line 2, $67, 1 unit, Queue = MERGED, Description = Tax on PC The following graphic illustrates the example:
Merging Mass Addition Lines
How can I explain to my collegues that they must merge all the lines i.e. lines with zero value and lines that contra each other out. These unresolved lines keep appearing on the Status report. Deleting those lines is not the appropriate solution, I think.