Move Order Process Flow
The move order process follows the following steps:
1.1. Create a move order for required material. You can manually create a move order requisition or set up your system to automatically generate replenishment or pick wave move orders.
1.2. Approve the move order lines. If the move order requisitions require approval, the item planner must approve the move order lines.
You can also cancel partially allocated move order requisitions and replenishment move orders. Oracle Inventory provides a profile option INV: Kill Move Order which allows the system to cancel partially allocated and transacted move orders.
Note: 1. Allocating creates a pending transaction the will be executed when you transact the line. It therefore decrements the available quantity (i.e. it creates a soft reservation).
2. You can cancel move order lines that have no allocations. You can select an individual move order line, or multiple move order lines. It does not matter if the move order lines belong to different move orders.
You can cancel move order lines only for move order requisitions and replenishment move orders.
3.1. Print a pick slip. Before you transact the move order, you can print a pick slip or push the move order line allocations to mobile devices for transaction through the move order APIs.
Print Move Order Pick Slips:
You can print move order pick slips before or after the move order transaction is committed. The Move Order Pick Slip report generates pick slips for move order requisitions and replenishment move orders.
To generate a pick slip for pick wave move orders, you submit the Oracle Shipping Execution Pick Slip report.
3.2. Transact move order lines. You can either transact all the move order lines at once or transact one allocation line at a time as the items are moved. If you transact less than the requested quantity, the move order stays open until the total quantity is transacted or until the order is closed or cancelled. You can cancel partially allocated and transacted Move Order Requisitions and Replenishment Move Order lines.
Move Orders
I have 2 questions: 1. On a Requisition Move Order, the Header status goes from Incomplete to Approved and it stays in Approved Status even after the lines are allocated and transacted. After the MO is transacted, Line Status is Closed, whereas Header Status is till in Approval. Can anyone help? 2. I find the Pick Slip is ready to be printed, even before lines are allocated, although the pick slip says it is unallocated. Why is that? Thanks for your help