Oracle Manufacturing Interview questions
Q1. HOW CAN We define bY Product in Discrete mfg Answer 1. By Product can be defined as item in the item master and the same is assiged to the respective BOM with negative quantity. and we do negative component issue of that material from WIP Q2. what are reference designators and how they are used practically .Please site few examples. 1. Refernc designators are attached to BOM components when more than one peice of same components is used. This can be used for referncing the multiple use of that component in the BOM 2. Reference designators are sequenced comments and instructions that pertain to a component. Example : We can have eng drawings that clarify the assembly process for certain components or further instructions for the use of a large quantity of the same component. You can also specify whether to assign one reference designator for every usage of the component or assign any number of the reference designator to the componentts. Q3. If i want to map a organization structure, where i hv 1 operating unit that is looking after only purchasing and payables activities, whereas another operating unit is looking after OM as well as receivables. I hv one more warehouse or say plant, where i am manufacturing & despatching the goods. Wiil it be solved by setting up purchasing at one OU and OM at another OU. Do I need to perform any additional setups? Please Suggest. Ans: I could not get the reason for having diff OU for Purchasing and OM seperately. Anyway if this what is required, then this can be created as seperate OUs e.g A for PO,AP and B for OM,AR respectively. Also MFG & dispatching warehouse can be setup as inventory organization in B OU (OM,AR) and internal sales order setup has to be done between OU A and OU B to transfer the raw material required for manufacturing . Then dispatchign can be done from B OU (mfg warehouse) Q4. What you about ‘Mutually Exclusive’ in BOM? Ans: Mutually Exclusive is applied to the Option Class. This means that only one option under the option class can be selected. Cumulative Manufacturing Lead Time: The total time required to make an item if you had all raw materials in stock but had to make all subassemblies level by level. Cumulative Total Lead Time The total time required to make an item if no inventory existed and you had to order all the raw materials and make all subassemblies level by level. Q5. What is difference between Sub inventory Transfer and Move order Transfer? Moveorder Transfer : In thier you need to Approve. & also you will get move order no, from there you can query whenever you want. From that you can also move material based on that move order no.You can trace material transfered based on move order no. Sub-inventory Transfer : Simply a transfer from one location to another. No records is generated during transfer. You can't trace material transfered sub inventory transfer: ->we can transfer material between sub inventories ->we can't cancell the SI transfer ->we can't track the transaction move order transfer: ->we can cancell move order ->we can track the M O ->we can set approval process Q6. Types of Calendar? where we are define it? Ans: Prorate calendar in FA Acounting cal in GL Transaction cal in GL Worday cal in INV Q7. If any person ask what you know about AIM? How briefly we can explain b'coz we cont expalin AIM in short time. AIM is an Application Implementation Methodology which is being followed for Oracle Apps Implementation project(ERP). It consists different phases and processes. They are Phases : 1. Definition 2. Operation Analysis 3. Solution Design 4. Build 5. Transition, And 6. Production Processes : Project Management Business Process Mapping APplication and Technical Architecture Module Design and Build Data Conversion Documentation Business System Testing performance Testing Adoption and Learning Production Migration Each process has it's own standard templates(RD 20, RD 50, MD50,MD60,MD70,TE40,etc) to caputre various business scenarios,etc. If we follow these processes, phases and using standard (important) templates then we won't be missing out any of the implementation steps while implementing our ERP system.
Application Implementation Methodology Update
Before I discuss the various updates and add-ins that are available I would like to outline how you can get Oracle AIM working in Firefox. Personally, I still haven’t managed to get AIM working in XP using Explorer as the browser so I’ve opted to use a workaround by accessing it via the Firefox brower. Once you have performed the Oracle AIM install simply enter the text file:///C:/Method/OM30/AIM30/omstart.html into your Firefox browser and AIM should begin. I’ve noticed that it does take a while to actually start up but once it does it works fine. If you still can’t get the AIM Graphical User Interface (GUI) to start up you can directly access the AIM templates from the following directory if you have accepted the default location on installation C:\Method\OM30\AIM30\AIM30FND.