Pick Release
The pick release process creates move orders which are pre-approved requests for sub inventory transfers to bring material from its source locations in the warehouse (stores/fg sub inventory) to a staging sub inventory.
1. If auto allocate and auto pick confirm both are set to NO then pick release does nothing except creating the move order.
If the auto allocate is set to yes in release rule with the ware house and sub inventory name then pick process also does an allocation/detailing of the item in the pick from sub inventory.
Detailing is the process by which Oracle Order Picking and Shipping uses the picking rules to determine where to source the material to fulfill a request line (move order line). The detailing process fills in the move order line details with the actual transactions to be performed. If adequate quantity is not available to detail the move order, this process can be repeated later. If no reservation exists before the detailing process, it also creates the reservation for the material.
During the process of reservation in scheduling a demand line is created and can be seen in reservation form. At thaat point of time the system only does the reservation with type Inventory and w/o specifying the subinventory and locator. During pick release allocation/detailing the system populates the subinvenory and locator if applicable.
If the auto pick confirm process is set to yes then pick release process also does the transact move order and at the end of pick release process the material moves automatically to the staging sub inventory. In this case the delivery line status in SE changes from ready to release to staged/pick confirmed but if either of the auto allocate/auto pick confirm is set to NO, then the status changes to released to ware house and the user needs to manually transact the move order created by the pick release process.
2. If there is no onhand then the order is back ordered and no move order is created. If there is not sufficient onhand then a move order is created for the available onahand and the delivery line splits in SE form.
3. Pick Slips can be created after the detailing process completes, and the quantity and source can be manually verified at pick confirm. Pick slip report contains the SO (line, item, quantity, ship set), Mover Order, Delivery and Trip numbers. A custmozied bill of lading & packing slip can be generated after this if required.
4. You can run one or more releases and customize release criteria to meet your requirements. You can define:
■ Release Rules to specify your picking criteria and set the default Release Rule through Shipping Parameters Pick Release tab.
■ Release Sequence Rules to specify the order in which eligible delivery lines are allocated during pick release.
■ Pick Slip Grouping Rules to determine how released move order lines are grouped onto pick slips.
Picking Rules
Move orders will use the picking rules set up in Oracle Inventory to locate the material required to fulfill the move order line. Together with item-sub inventory defaults (required if the staging sub inventory is locator controlled), the picking
rules suggest the staging transfer transaction lines with appropriate source information that will be required to obtain enough material in the staging location for the delivery. The process where the Picking Engine generates these transaction
line suggestions is called allocating.
When you define an item you choose a picking rule to determine the order in which revisions, lots, subinventories, and locators are picked for sales orders. Oracle Shipping Execution submits requests to Oracle Inventory, which uses the information you enter in the Picking Rules window to generate pick lists for sales orders. If you choose None for any of the criteria fields, Inventory ignores that criterion. For example, if you choose None for Revision, Inventory picks units of an item without regard to revision levels. Oracle Inventory looks at the picking criteria in the order in which they appear in the Picking Rules window. Then, Inventory looks at the options (except for None options) for each criterion in the order in
which they appear beneath each criterion.
Note: If you utilize Oracle Transportation, compatibility constraints can be used in the shipping process up through ship
confirmation. Compatibility Constraints enable you to define a variety of transportation related restrictions related to items (goods for shipment), carriers, modes of transport, facilities, organizations, and customers. Then, these restrictions are used by the application to warn or prevent further order processing if the defined undesirable condition is encountered. For example, you can define an item-carrier compatibility constraint stating that designated carriers cannot transport specific inventory items. When a delivery is created violating the constraint, an error or warning message will be generated. You determine the severity of the constraint violation; whether a warning or error should display.
Staging Locations
The destination sub inventory for a pick wave move order is the staging location into which the picked material should be deposited. Each organization should designate at least one staging sub inventory. Staging sub inventories should be
reservable. Each batch created at pick release will have the same destination staging sub inventory. The default staging sub inventory and locator to be used for all pick wave move orders are specified through Oracle Shipping Execution’s Shipping
Parameters window. This location can be changed at pick release. To model different staging lanes within the staging area, facilities may choose to either create different sub inventories or designate staging lane locators within one staging sub
Pick Release from shippng transaction form
All the pick release setups can be done so that users can easily do pick release form shipping transaction form.
once you do a pick cofirm system fires below requests
- Pick Selection List Generation
- Pick Slip Report
- Shipping Exceptions Report
When pick release is done from shipping transaction form, the system picks up the auto –allocate and create delivery set up from shipping parameter. If the Pick Confirmation Required box in the Organization Parameters window is not enabled then the system would also does the auto-transaction.
Do not check the Pick Confirmation Required box in the Organization Parameters window. If you check this box, the Auto Pick Confirm parameter on the shipping tab of the Pick Release form will be set to No. To change this you would navigate to Setup -> Shipping -> Organization Parameters->'ATP, Pick, and Item-Sourcing tab
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