Changing Order Price
When an item is ordered the price engine picks the value from price list and applys appropriate modifiers to it. While entering the order if the user thinks the price is not correct and needs to be modified then he/she can go to the price list, modify it and reprice the line(Sales order line -> Actions ->Price line) or directly modify the line price.
Modifying Order Pricing
Use this process to modify order pricing.
Note: Before changing the selling price, Pricing verifies
- The profile option: OM: Discounting Privilege.
- Enforce List Price on the transaction order type.
- Select the list of values to view the unapplied manual adjustments for the line.
- Select an adjustment and choose Apply.
- Requery the order to see the new selling price.
- To remove an already applied adjustment, delete the adjustment and choose Apply.
- If an adjustment has Override Allowed set, enter either the new adjustment rate, the amount reduced, or a new price and choose Apply.
Repricing a lineg
If you modify a price list or discount after applying either to an item or the order, use Price Line in the Line items tabbed region to update the order lines.
From the Line items tabbed region, choose the Actions button > Select Price Line. The system recalculates and displays the item’s new selling and extended prices based on current list price and automatic discount information.
Note: If you have applied a manual Order-or line level discount to an order and subsequently redefine the discount, you must remove it from the order, the re-apply it.
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