Blanket Sales Agreements
Blanket Sales Agreements are used when you have specific characteristics releated to a purchasing agreement between a customer and a supplier. These characteristics include the date range of the agreement, the items included, the price of the items, the quantity of each item that the parties committed to, as well as other attributes, like freight or payment terms.
Once a Blanket Sales Agreement is entered for a customer, multiple releases (shipments) against the Blanket Sales Agreement are processed over a period of time within Order Management. The order is fulfilled and billed according to the terms of the Blanket Sales Agreement. Tracking information will also be accumulated for Blanket Sales Agreements, such as, Blanket Sales Agreements quantity fulfilled, and dollar value fulfilled of released lines. This information is used to view status of orders executed against a Blanket Sales Agreement.
Setup steps for Blanket Sales Agreement
Setup steps for Blanket Sales Agreement