Matching multiple invoices

What is the best way to match multiple invoices to a single PO. Here is the business scenario We create a PO of $100 for Supplier A. Supplier A sends the material through DHL. After receiving the material we get two invoices – one from supplier & one from DHL. The business requirement is to match both the invoices ($100 from supplier & $20 from DHL) to the same PO. PO amount is only $100.

You can’t do much in 11i &

You can’t do much in 11i & R12. If you match both the invoices to PO then it 'll fail the validation. One work around would be to create an automatic PO(for freight charges) and match that to freight invoice. In Fusion Application you can map this scenario directly. You can directly create a freight invoice and match that to the original PO. System won’t change anything in PO. It 'll take the freight cost as mat. OH and 'll be used to change the item cost.