order interface
Can some one give me the code to populate the order interface table with some constant value. I need to import orders for some tesing and need to populate the interface table with mandatory values
You can copy all the lines of
You can copy all the lines of an existing sales order into interface table by using below code declare l_return_status varchar2(1); l_order_number_from number; l_order_source_id number; begin oe_debug_pub.debug_on; oe_debug_pub.initialize; oe_debug_pub.add('Before oe_inf_populate_pub call',1); oe_inf_populate_pub.populate_interface ( p_api_version_number => 1.0 , x_return_status => l_return_status , p_order_number_from => &order_number_from , p_order_source_id => &order_source_id ); oe_debug_pub.add('Before oe_inf_populate_pub call',1); end;