How can fund accounting balane by fund and location segment within GL
We use fund accounting, which is a segment and our balancing segment. we would also like to balance by location..what is best way to accomplish?
Multiple Balancing Segments in a Ledger
I saw a note on this also, but that is not an option, since we are on a 1 yr upgrade to R12 with several customizations. I am thinking of changing it to location as you suggest. I feel FSG's can do Financials via Fund Type, BS & PL, so I don't think they should have chosen this as a balancing segment. I was also thinking of leveraging secondary ledgers with a different BSV and pull FSG's across Ledgers for reconcilations. CRP's will determine the outcome..test..test and hope for the best!
We are also using R12.1.2 for
We are also using R12.1.2 for apps
Its simple. Make location as
Its simple. Make location as the balancing segment :-)
But problem is its not avalaible in R12, You need to upgrade to Fusion Application.
I saw a note on this also,
I saw a note on this also, but that is not an option, since we are on a 1 yr upgrade to R12 with several customizations. I am thinking of changing it to location as you suggest. I feel FSG's can do Financials via Fund Type, BS & PL, so I don't think they should have chosen this as a balancing segment. I was also thinking of leveraging secondary ledgers with a different BSV and pull FSG's across Ledgers for reconcilations. CRP's will determine the outcome..test..test and hope for the best!
Multiple Balancing Segments in a Ledger
I saw a note on this also, but that is not an option, since we are on a 1 yr upgrade to R12 with several customizations. I am thinking of changing it to location as you suggest. I feel FSG's can do Financials via Fund Type, BS & PL, so I don't think they should have chosen this as a balancing segment. I was also thinking of leveraging secondary ledgers with a different BSV and pull FSG's across Ledgers for reconcilations. CRP's will determine the outcome..test..test and hope for the best!