Oracle Assets - External Mass Transfers
I'm looking for a screen shot of the OFA form 'Mass Transactions - External Transfers' with the data populated and the message saying the data saved. It is for a Bar Code integration project with OFA. I saved a screen shot of what I am trying to do. I need to insert a row into the FA_MASS_EXTERNAL_TRANSFERS from the online form, so I can see the row in the table and then do my own insert via SQL Developer. I am getting ORA-00972 error when I do the insert and I am trying to figure out why.
need to insert a row into the
need to insert a row into the FA_MASS_EXTERNAL_TRANSFERS from the online form, so I can see the row in the table and then do my own insert via SQL Developer I didnt get your point - are you trying to enter the data in this form ? I dont think it meant for that The stanard process is to 1. Populate FA_MASS_EXTERNAL_TRANSFERS interface table INSERT INTO apps. FA_MASS_EXTERNAL_TRANSFERS (BATCH_NAME, MASS_EXTERNAL_TRANSFER_ID, TRANSACTION_TYPE, BOOK_TYPE_CODE, TRANSACTION_STATUS, CREATED_BY, CREATION_DATE, LAST_UPDATED_BY, LAST_UPDATE_DATE, LAST_UPDATED_DATE ) VALUES ('TEST02', '002', 'TRANSFER', 'TEST CORP', 'POST', '29640', SYSDATE , '29640', SYSDATE, SYSDATE ) 2. Run the program Post Mass External Transfers