Has anyone used the address on the order line called Intermediate Ship to
We are considering using this address For Importer address, as we are already using the delivery address for freight forwarders and will some Export transactions there can be up to 4 address involved including bill to, ship to, deliver to (freight forwarder), and Importer. Unfortunately this address is at the order line level. What is the best practice?
'Intermediate Ship to' is
'Intermediate Ship to' is available only in line but not in header. If you enter the value in line (manually /EDI RLM) then it defaults to the delivery As per my understanding this filed is present for future enhancements but doesn’t have any functionality. There was an enhancement request to create stops on the basis of Intermediate ship to but I don’t think it’s available as of now. So you can use this field but if u want to have this printed any document then you have create some custom reports/programs