procurment needs

Dear all before creation of actual purchase requsition we a practice to collect requirments at different units so that we prepare a procurment plan for the coming year,based on the plan user departments create purchase requsition.To do so i want to create a form for procurment requirments and consolidated procurment requirment form in purchasing.i need document for how to develop and steps for developing forms and help on the issue. thank you very much!!!!

There is no such standard

There is no such standard process in oracle. I am not aware of any such document either which is created before requisition in normal business. Document types & document sup types are fixed in oracle. You can’t create a new document type (u can rename it though). So your requirement can’t be integrated with oracle. Now the question - should you try a customization or maintain this process outside oracle is a business decision


Dear all i want to keep procurment requirments informations by customized form, though there will not have linkage with purchase requsition. and i want try a customization.p/s send if any data or document which is related to form customization. thank you very much!!!!

If you have not developed any

If you have not developed any form before then ask some technical expert to help you on that. you can read the basic infos in below url Developing a form is not that difficult and can be done in few days. Before that you need to 've answers to below qs -> what data are you going to enter in that form - pre- requisitions details like item , qty -> In how many custom tables should you store them -> what kind of report /analysis is required plz dont start developing a form w/o understanding the complete business requirements

basically i want to develope

basically i want to develope two forms. 1.procurment requirment form to user department and will have a details like item code,item discreption,catagory,UOM,quantity,estemated unit price e.t.c 2.procurment requirment consolidation form to buyers. if you have a different department then the buyer/purchaser departmenet should have a consolidation facility and report as well. the form will have a consolidation parameters at header level like locations e.t.c. at line level the item code,item discreption,catagory,Uom,quantity e.t.c and i want to have a single consolidated report at purchasing department. hope the above details can answer the questions. thank you very much!!!!