Hi,The below question...
Hi, The below question is regarding MOAC. 1. A&B are 2 users. A is super user, B is user only. 2. these 2 users are working in 4 operating units. A is working on K, L operating units and B is working on X, Y Operating units. A need to review B's transactions because he is a superuser; so he need view access only. A need access K, L view, edit access and for X,Y operating units he need view access only B is a user so he need to access X, Y operating units only. How can we do this through MOAC (Multi Access Control).
1. B is a user so he need to
1. B is a user so he need to access X, Y operating units only.
Responsibility1 with securtiy rule1 which contains X & Y OU
2. A need access X,Y operating units he need view access only
Responsibility2 with securtiy rule1 which contains X & Y OU.
You have to put some function & menu exclusion
3. A with all access
Responsibility23 with securtiy rule2 which contains X & Y OU.
I dont think you can achieve this with 2 responsibilities