what is autopack ,...

 what is autopack ,what auto pack does , when we check in release sales order please help me in this

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Search this site..there are many articles on this

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In short auto packing is a process where system automatically packs the item you are about to ship.

how its done?
By maintaing item container relationship.

 hi sir, i read auto pack

 hi sir,

i read auto pack document that you gave ,but i want to ask you that sale order is booked , with sales order number in shipping transaction order line is created ,now i didn't have container load relationship with item , my item are going to be shipped without container (box etc...) in this circumstance i still require autopack ,if i go-head to ship without autopack will it be shipped if not what autopack means in shipping... please share with me 

thanks in advances

If you don’t have any

If you don’t have any special requirement for packing then you can directly ship the material.

What is the status of the line in shipping transaction form..can you please put a screenshot.