The requirement is I...

The requirement is I have two inventory orgs A and Inventory Org B. We have two different Order types Order Type A and Order Type B.Inventory Org A and Org B belong to the same OU.

In the sales Order when I use Transaction type A and use inventory Org A but I see the items from both inv orgs A and Inv org B. How do I see the items from Inv Org A only?

Items shown on order line

Items shown on order line depend on OM item validation org for that OU. It does not depend on what warehouse (inv) you select in the line.

So for your example if an item is available for one Inv it would be available for the other inv (as I think the item validation org is a diff Inv , may be your item master)

Items shown on order line

Thanks for your prompt reply. Yes the item validation org is the item master Org. So how to we restrict it to appear from one inventory org ie Inv Org A?

In fact I have seperate set

In fact I have seperate set of items for both Inv A and Inv B.