Hi, &...
We are creating IR & ISO functionality.we have generated 1 internal requision in one org and now internal sales order is also generated in other org but problem is order line stuck at 'Schedule line' means order line status is booked and not going to change like 'Awaiting shipping' to process for next. i have checked workflow and workflow status is below.
Schedule eligible-Complete
now please advice me that how i can resolved this issue ASAP.
Is the schedule ship date
Is the schedule ship date populated ??
Normally SSD is populated from requisition need by date but if that has n't happened then manually enter a value and then progress the line.
The schedule ship
The schedule ship date is not populated automatically and while i have enter manually then error message populated like you can add schedule ship date while Internal requisition.
Need by date is mandatory in
Need by date is mandatory in IR and SSD date comes from there only.
Unless SSD is populated you can’t proceed further. The only option is to update the SSD from back end.
Or if it’s in production ask oracle for data fix.
Check the process
Check the process constraint
Update request date for internal orders might be enabled. So disable it and try to enter the SSD.
But I am interested to know what exactly have you done that system has not populated the SSD.
What is the NBD on IR???
@above comment
In R12.1 (or above) you can change the SSD in order line and system‘ll propagate those changes to IR.