Hi,I am developing...
I am developing a program for coying price List with additionsl charges. Once i copy all price list to a new price list name, My client want to update all the existing Sales Orders of Old price list to New Price List Name.
is there any API for updating the existing sales order price list name. Please let me know if there is any API.
Please do the need full..
Thanks & Best Regards,
This is a standard
This is a standard feature.
Suppose I have a SO#1 with a line item#1 having price $10 as price list PL#1 effective from 01-JAN-2011 to 31-DEC-2011.
If i update the item#1 price in price list PL#1 to $15 then whenever i 'll call the price engine, it 'll automatically reprice the line.
Reprice is available both @ header (sales order header ->Actions -> Price Order) and line level (sales order line ->Actions -> Price Line)
You can use QP_PREQ_PUB.PRICE_REQUEST API to call the price engine.