Setup Steps for the Source & Destination

Setup Steps for the Source

1. Install the source instance patch
Before beginning the functional setup of the source instance(s), a patch must be applied that will create several new concurrent programs, flexfields, profile options, and database objects on the source database. The patch that is required is determined by the versions of the application and database on the source instance.
When successfully applied, the patch should create the Create Planning Flexfields, Create Global ATP Flexfields, and Refresh Snapshot programs under the All SCP Reports Request group.

2. Create a database link pointing to the planning server.
Note: Before beginning the installation of the source patch, count all (if any) invalid database objects. If after the patch is installed there are more invalid objects than before, there was a problem with the patch application.

A database link must be established on the source instance that points to the destination (planning) instance. This database link will be referenced in a newly created profile option, MRP: ATP Database Link.

3. Create an Advanced Supply Chain Planner responsibility. You must create a responsibility in the source instance with the name 'Advanced Supply Chain Planner'. The responsibility name must match Advanced Supply Chain Planner exactly. During the data collection process which runs on the destination server, the Refresh Snapshot program is launched automatically in the source from this responsibility. The refresh snapshot process will not complete properly if the responsibility name is not correct.

The Create Planning Flexfields concurrent program creates new segment definitions in existing descriptive flexfields to hold data that may be required for constrained and/or optimized planning. The program also populates profile values with the value corresponding to the descriptive flexfield attribute number for each attribute (planning parameter) created.

4. Launch the Create Planning Flexfields report from the newly created Advanced Supply Chain Planner responsibility. The parameters that must be set for the report are the attributes that you wish to utilize for the new flexfield definitions. The list of values for each parameter lists only the available attributes in the subject descriptive flexfield.

After submitting the program, eleven additional processes should be spawned. These jobs are compiling the descriptive flexfield views. Check that the profile values corresponding to each flexfield attribute were populated with the correct attribute number. Some profile values may retain the value of unassigned after the Create Planning Flexfield program completed. You must change any unassigned profiles to the attribute number corresponding to the flexfield attribute where the new segment was defined.

5. Create the Global Order Promising flexfields.
The Create Global ATP Flexfields is very similar to the Create Planning Flexfields program. It creates new flexfield segments to hold global ATP data at the item, BOM, routing, and resource levels. The same process, including warnings and suggestions, applies for the Create Global ATP Flexfield program.

6. Set up source data with BOMs, resources, routings, supplier data, flexfields, purchasing information, item masters, Oracle BIS targets, and any other data required by your plans.

7. Set profile values.
If Global Order Promising is going to be utilized, the following two additional profile options must be set.
The MRP: ATP Database Link profile option must be set with the database link. The profile value is the name of the database link that resides on the source and points to the destination. There is no validation on this profile value. If Global Order Promising is not utilized, this need not be set.
The INV: External ATP profile must be set to Global ATP. This is a choice from the list of values. If Global ATP is not utilized, this need not be set.

8. Execute the Refresh Snapshot concurrent program.
The Refresh Snapshot process must be run on the source. This concurrent program is available in the Advanced Supply Chain Planner responsibility created earlier. The process has no parameters to be set at run time. Verify that the process completes without error.

Setup Steps for the Destination

1. Install the destination instance patches.

2. Create a database link pointing to each source. These links will be needed when defining instances later on in this setup procedure.

3. Define the source instances to be collected from.
The define instances setup establishes the means of communication between the source and destination instances. It also specifies the organizations in the source database for which data will be pulled.

4. From the Navigator, choose Setup > Instances. Do not access this form while the collections process is running; it locks a table that the collections process needs to complete successfully.
The Application Instances window appears.

Enter each of the Application instances for which you would like the Planning Server to plan.

Complete the fields and flags in the Application Instances window as shown in the table below.

Enter the organizations on each of the instances from which to collect the Planning data and plan for on the Planning Server by clicking Organizations.
The Organizations window appears.

Select the organizations for a particular instance. Be sure to select the master organization.


In ASCP our plan is including RMA orders that may (or may not) be returned.... we would like for ASCP to exclude RMA order types in all cases. Is that possible?